Enduro training day Oct 2022

The Cycling Ulster Off-road Commission organised an enduro development day with coach Colin Ross on Saturday 22 October 2022. Attending were Niamh McKiverigan, Hannah Mullin, James Brodison, Daniel Brodison, Ben Wilson and Scott Roberts.

Report by Gordon Roberts

The purpose of the training day was to give each participant the opportunity to enhance their knowledge / ability to ride adverse / changing trail conditions.
After a brief introduction, the riders rolled out with Colin at 10:30am for warm-up on a gradual climb to the top of Ravensdale Forest. Coarse / trail selection for the day was “F” Strava. (It should be said, this proved very beneficial as it gave a closer example of coarse length and variation of trail conditions). As part of the warm-up each rider completed one full run which in turn provided a feel for what should be expected leading up to the timed runs towards the end of the day.

Each rider rode / climbed back up towards the halfway point, where they dismounted and then proceeded to walk up key sections of the course. Colin took the opportunity to breakdown key aspects relating to line choice for both existing corners into straight line / leading into and across fire road / drop in sections along with entering / exiting technical corners on the upper part of the course. Focus was given on bike positioning on the trail for each scenario.

A second full run (untimed) was then completed prior to stopping for a lunch break.

After lunch, the riders rode back to the top of the course, where the first of two-timed runs was completed. Riders were set off on one-minute intervals with times being recorded at the bottom of the course. Time was taken to discuss aspects of each person’s run before setting off for the second and final timed run of the day,

The second run for each participant proved extremely beneficial as times were further improved from run number one, unfortunately it was only possible to complete two timed runs, due to darkening light conditions whilst under the tree canopy.

Time was again taken to discuss aspects of each person’s run before concluding the training day.

Well done to all who took the time to attend.